Wednesday, May 1, 2013

May 1

Yesterday, Chloe and I went on a walk to capture the little signs of spring poking up, before we got dumped on with another fresh layer of snow.

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I confess that I really love dandelions.  I think that they are such a cheerful little flower, like sunshine on a little stick.  Chloe loves them too.  In fact, she wishes that our whole yard was covered with dandelions. It's not, it's covered with another weed that isn't quite as pretty, although maybe Winnie the Pooh would disagree with me.

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"Weeds are flowers too, once you get to know them." -Winnie the Pooh

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Today, everything is covered in a good bit of snow. It looks like the winter we never had outside. But underneath it all, spring is patiently waiting.

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