Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Just for the record, I am not a fad dieter. But when I read an account by a guy in "Outside" magazine who had followed Dr Junger's program from his book "Clean", I started plotting. What struck me was that he was a reasonably healthy, exercising individual (I mean, he works for "Outside"!) who wasn't trying to lose weight but was trying it out for the sake of the article. And he raved about the results and the increase in energy and vitality he experienced. I had to try it. We are a pretty healthy family probably compared to most of the American population. We stay away from antibiotics and hormones in our food, shun high fructose corn syrup and hydrogenated oils. Cook with coconut oil and organic (mostly) ingredients. I make a lot of stuff from scratch and we generally avoid anything that comes out of plastic. We go to the chiropractor and exercise. But, I still get draggy sometimes in the afternoon. And we had enough of the symptoms listed to qualify for the need of a detox. I said "we" because giving up things are always more fun with company so I decided to drag my unsuspecting family along on this journey. (Although I am modifying the diet slightly for the small ones) Yesterday my lunch consisted of lightly sauteed (in sesame oil) carrots, broccoli, and baby bok choy (from a friend's garden) with garlic and lemon juice.

Today was similar only I added cashews, sunflower seeds and sprouts. We had our first liquid breakfast this morning. Chloe was a little appalled at the kale and pineapple smoothie, but Aidan chugged it down though, as a side note to his buckwheat pancakes. I was so hungry after 2 hours that I had to go make another smoothie. (blueberries, almond milk, almond butter, cocoa powder) It was scrumptious.

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