Monday, March 10, 2014

Mushroom and Birthdays

I shouldn't wait so long in between blog posts. When I finally sit down to update, I realize that there is so much I want to say, and then I end up trying to cram it all in, like shoving just one more thing into the trash bin and then it ends up falling all over the floor.

This Lenten season instead of giving up something, I'm going to spend the next 40ish days focusing on intentionally giving thanks in all things. No complaining allowed. Like this morning, for instance, instead of fussing about all the creative, weird things my growing-out-a-pixie-cut hair is doing, I'm going to be grateful that I have hair. And that it's growing, albeit very slowly. And weirdly-kind of like a mushroom top some days. But that's okay, because I like mushrooms (although not usually on my head). Since my parents were mushroom farmers, I guess it kind of fits anyway.

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A few of my favorite things

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Some things are easier to be abundantly grateful for, like birthdays, for example. And friends and family who celebrated with us this week to make Aidan and I feel extra specially loved.

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Chloe started off birthday week by making the most amazing batch of gnocchi from scratch. Aidan topped it with a homemade pesto and Chris got in the action with a lemon butter sauce over sautéed mushrooms and spinach. I think I should resign from cooking altogether.

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Spring is coming to Colorado, the robins are back and the sunny warm days are so filled with hope that I don't even mind when winter fights back for a day or two. 

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