Thursday, March 29, 2012


Spring makes me deliriously happy.  In Colorado it doesn't come suddenly and with force.  It creeps in with a gradual awakening from a long winter's slumber.  Almost like winter is reluctantly releasing it's hold with a long sigh and slowly letting go, one finger at a time.  I pruned our crab apple tree today and filled my workspace with the fresh branches, hoping I can keep them alive a little bit longer.


Aidan asked me why I loved Anne of Green Gables so much.  And I told him that it's because she was able to use her imagination to create the story that she wanted to be living.  Unlike (one of his current favorites) James Bond who lived a life that was adventurous and exciting, but totally unrealistic, and unreachable for the ordinary person.  If we're longing to live a life that will never happen, it's hard to be satisfied.  But if we're creating our life into something extraordinary, because of the way that we view things, how amazing is that?

Spring is full of hope and promise of new life.  And it never gets old for me.  So here's to spring, and simple joys. Breaks from school that are filled with long afternoons on the trampoline, lazy mornings on the couch with books and gourmet pancakes, and the time to sit and eat almond butter from the jar.  Lunch of fresh rosemary bread and goat cheese with figs.  And a night spent looking at the stars with a family slumber party on the trampoline (while being serenaded by LOUD Spanish music from the nearby lumber yard-that part I could have done without-and the fact that is still gets quite cold at night which made it kind of like sleeping with your head in the refridgerator). 
My son told me that I was more "playful" than most moms he knew.  Which means I'm doing at least something right, because what I remember most vividly, and fondly, about growing up was the times that we spent "playing" as a family. 

I hope you find something that makes you happy and that you dance with all your might when music plays that won't let your bones stay still--all through out life.  And I'm gonna try and do the same.


  1. I love this post. Your crabapple branches are lovely. Just yesterday I pruned our apple tree and I have a pruned branch stuck in an old olive oil bottle on the kitchen table. Of course the cat knocked it over twice, but it is still pretty.

    1. Justine, that sounds pretty. And all of my branches are blooming and filling the house with their scent. :)
